The original meaning of the word
“Mandala” is “rotating around a centre”,
allowing the spectator to focus on it, to
meditate on complex religious topics and
at the same time to see in the Mandala
the representation of the whole universe.
By concentration of the spirit, the
boundaries of individuality are overcome.
The constant move in nature (Greek: panta
rhei) is symbolised in the classic Mandala
by a wheel, mostly with 8 spokes,
representing the perfect number.
The Star Mandala consists of four rings
of 15 six pointed stars of different width,
depending on their position towards the
centre, and the colour triple here is changed
into a triple of different materials: stainless
steel, granite and light reflecting glass.
The stars are all featuring a different
material arrangement and are in precise
relationship among each other so that a vast
series of complex geometric symmetries are
woven in.
The constantly moving wheel is represented
by its first colour, brushed stainless steel,
brushed in the orientation of the turning
wheel. The infinite universe is represented
by its second colour, a granite called for
good reason “Star Galaxy”, allowing to
shift the attention of the viewer from the
surface of the artwork (granite surface) to
the look through the artwork, somewhat
“behind” the artwork, into the open night
sky. The third colour is a mirror surface –
that despite the viewer stands in front of
it, does not see himself. He sees just the
reflection of nothingness. No image, no
light. Though the mirror surfaces reflect
something, but undefined. Meditation
should lead to the attention of the spirit to
loose its existence as an individual, turning
it into a part of the surrounding world.
Finally, the perfect number 8, despite the
stars are six-pointed, is to be found hidden
behind their arrangements an astonishing
60 times. There are 60 stars, all different,
but they generate the number 8 only in the
way they interact, not by their own...
It’s up to the viewer to meditate on these
hidden rules and eventually discover them!